Chakra: All, depends on color
Agate enhances strength, creativity and intellect. It balances yin/yang energy. It is a conservation stone enhancing longevity.
Chakra: Throat/Third Eye
Amazonite is a stone of truth, hope, integrity and trust. It also promotes positive communication.Amethyst
Chakra: Crown
Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone. It promotes balance, peace and eliminates patience. It is also used to protect one during travel.Aventurine (Green)
Chakra: Heart
Aventurine is said to bring career success. It is a gentle stone that enhances calm, mental clarity, and intellect.Carnelian
Chakra: Sacral
Carnelian is a stone of creativity and courage. It helps in memory recall. It also protects one from anger, jealousy, and fear.Garnet
Chakra: Root
Garnet is a stone that promotes regeneration and energy. It is also a protection stone that protects from evil, nightmares, and bad karma.Hematite
Chakra: Root
Hematite is used for grounding and protection. It promotes connection to the Earth. It also decreases negativity and boosts self confidence.Howlite
Chakra: Crown
Howlite is used to release emotional pain related to events in current or past life. It assists in processing emotions and obtaining wisdom.Jade (Yellow )
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Yellow jade promotes cheer and energy. It supports the interconnectedness of all things.Jasper
Chakra: All, depends on color
Jasper is believed to be a stone of gentleness and comfort. It also promotes prosperity in gardening and agriculture.Jasper (Green)
Chakra: Heart
Green jasper is known to assist those who are feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions. It helps to bring reassurance and restore inner calm.Jasper (Red)
Chakra: Root/Sacral
Red jasper is useful in gaining understanding of unfair events. It stabilizes and helps to approach situations in a balanced manner.Kyanite (Green)
Chakra: Heart
Kyanite aids in the release of negative energy and maintains balance in all the chakras. It also promotes loyalty, honesty and tranquility.Labradorite
Chakra: Third Eye
Labradorite is a good stone for general protection. It assists in guarding your aura. It also promotes and attracts success.Lapis Lazuli
Chakra: Throat/Third Eye
Lapis Lazuli promotes truth and open communication. It is also useful in meditating on a goal that you wish to manifest.Lava Rock (Basalt)
Chakra: Root
Lava rock is a grounding stone. It is used for manifesting desires into reality.Malachite
Chakra: Heart
Malachite assists positive transformation and evolution. It promotes a gentle heart which eases the transition from one state to another.Mookaite
Chakra: Root/Sacral
Mookaite helps maintain a balance within and without. It protects emotions and is also useful in meditation.Moonstone
Chakra: Crown
Moonstone protects from stress. It also enhances feminine energies. It promotes abundance, hope and intuition.Mother of Pearl
Chakra: Heart
Mother of pearl heightens intuition and imagination. It is also used to protect from negative influence and energy.Pyrite
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Pyrite is a grounding stone that enhances intellect, logic, and memory. It also promotes good luck.Quartz (Clear)
Chakra: Crown
Quartz is known for being the "Universal Crystal" because it has many uses. It absorbs, enhances, and balances energy.Quartz (Rose)
Chakra: Heart
Rose Quartz promotes love of the self, family, and friends. It's strong energy is used to enhance love in any situation.Quartz (Tourmilated)
Chakra: Crown
Tourmilated quartz is a protection stone. It brings balance and promotes inner strength. It deflects negative energy and reduces anxiety.Rhodonite
Chakra: Heart
Rhodonite supports unconditional love and peace towards mankind. It promotes inner growth and helps relieves anger and stress.Tiger Eye
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Tiger's eye is a stone of protection. It supports self-confidence, integrity and prosperity. Tiger Eye (Blue)
Chakra: Throat/Third Eye
Blue tiger's eye enhances communication. It promotes insight and the willpower to act on thoughts and ideas.Tiger Eye (Red)
Chakra: Root
Red tiger's eye promotes vitality. It aids in the survival during difficult times.Turquoise
Chakra: Throat
Turquoise is believe to help speed the healing process. It also promotes communication and aids in speaking your truth.Unakite
Chakra: Heart
Unakite promotes unconditional love towards mankind. It also is helpful in gardening and finding your animal spirit guide.
**Disclaimer: All information provided is not meant to substitute any conventional treatment, diagnosis, or advice from a healthcare professional. There is no guarantee that alternative therapies can cure or treat any ailment. Please consult your healthcare professional prior to undertaking any alternative therapies.